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The Joy of Christmas

It was finally my first Christmas morning and Eve couldn't wait any no longer to open presents.
John too.
They were happy with a lego zamboni!
Eve was VERY excited to get the white dog with a pink bow that she wanted (that she saw one time on a TV commercial)!
I thought my new red slippers from my cousin Louis were pretty cool!
I was quite interested in my new book!
John loved his lego airplane with the guy that has a microphone with his helmet that he asked Santa for!
This present thing is pretty interesting!
Eve liked playing one of Mommy's and Daddy's game but it was kind of hard, so she got the same game at her own level.
Smiles from everyone!
The dinosaurs escaped the jungle and were in an epic fight.
Three happy kids!
Can we open these last presents yet?!
Finally we got to the bottom of those stockings!
