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On the Farm

Today was a bit rainy and cold, so we headed to Pond Hill Farm where we got to feed the animals!
 Here's a cow!
I wasn't afraid to get up close to the cow!
And here's the aftermath (laughing) after the cow licked me!
There was one sneaky little kid that got out of the goat pen and was taking the food right out of our basket!
If I can handle getting close to the cows, I can certainly handle these goats!
I had no idea how much fun farm animals would be!
Checking out the barrel cars!
Here I am as Farmer John!
I snuck into Eve's farmer picture!
Eve did not like the real animals very much but she certainly liked the wood duck at the front of the store!
And she liked the wood bear that we found at Legs Inn where we enjoyed a nice Polish lunch!
I got in the wooden animal hunt too and found some bear feet outside!
This bear was so big, Papa Joe had to pick me so I could touch his head!
Checking out the Lake Michigan view with Grandma and Papa Joe!
Lastly, enjoying getting pushed in the swing by Eve before heading back home.
