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Showing posts from July, 2014

Buckets of Fun

Can you guess where I am? In the bucket of an excavator of course! Visiting one of Daddy's job sites!

Mommy's Helper

Today we went up to the garden. I pulled the wagon that was loaded up with our tools - and John! I even pulled our load uphill! I love helping Mommy out!

Friday is...

Garbage Truck Day! While this might not seem very exciting, I love seeing the trucks go up and down the street so much that sometimes I get to eat breakfast on the front porch just so I can watch!

Full Circle

We started our vacation at the pool and we ended our vacation at the pool - this time at the local city pool! Daddy and I had a ball playing under the mushroom!  Running out - - and in! I suppose it will probably not surprise you to hear that John ended up taking a nap while we were there!

Last Vacation Stop

Before driving home, we made one last stop at the downtown Petoskey waterfront to burn off some energy! John finally figured out a way that he liked to go down a slide by himself!  We sure had loads of fun up north! There were so many different activities that kept everyone busy and happy!

Biking & Flowers

Today John and I went on a biking adventure with Grandma and Diana while everyone else went golfing.  We stopped first at the Oden Fish Hatchery. Diana and John got up close to some big fish! Our second stop was in downtown Alanson where we found a big playground and had a picnic lunch! For dinner, we all went over to Grandma and Grandpa's for one last dinner at their Petoskey home. John got right into the middle of picture time in the garden. And right into smelling the flowers! But once everyone else got to the garden, John was not very interested in getting his picture taken with others. Getting distracted by flowers helped a bit (for both of us)!  But not a distraction for very long! At least Mommy & Daddy smile at the camera!

Captain Eve

Today was boat day and Daddy let me help drive! It was a beautiful sunshiny day! Uncle Gavin and Diana rented a bit smaller watercraft but it went much faster than our boat! Almost everyone got a turn - including me! It was a bit loud but a very exciting ride! Grandma and Papa Joe enjoyed cruising around the lake! But Conor and I got the best view from the front! Pretty much every time the boat started moving, John fell asleep! Eventually keeping watch at the front wore both Conor and I out and we both took naps too! At the end of the day, we took the boat out for one last cruise and I took complete charge! It was a beautiful evening on the lake even though John did not want his picture taken despite my best efforts to help! I was more than happy to pose with the pretty swan in the background! Diana came out on the dock to help us try to catch some fish. John was sure that he found some for us but we did not have any luck. Good scenery from the

Putt Golf

Today's adventures took us to Pirate's Cove for some putt putt golf! John was nicely color coordinated with his special putter and golf ball! I got many holes-in-one, as in once my ball went in the hole regardless of number of strokes - it was a hole-in-one! And I was ready to move on to the next hole even if everyone else wasn't done! John usually created another hazard on the green that we had to putt around! We couldn't get away from the water - even on the golf course! Daddy and John - on hopefully one of many golf outings together! After about 15 holes of watching us (and throwing Mommy's ball in the bushes), John finally started hitting the ball like he was supposed to! After walking 18 holes of golf, we refueled with lunch downtown Petoskey and a real "fudgie" treat - chocolate fudge from Murdick's! For dinner, we all headed up to Douglas Lake Bar where Grandma enjoyed eating between John and I! I went for an af