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It's Christmas Time!

Thankfully my 4 day long fever finally broke on Christmas morning, so I could enjoy opening our presents from Santa with Dr. Eve!
Eve needed to make sure that her puppy was feeling well too.
Daddy was being funny with his new Clan McKinnon bow tie.
My new wooden blocks are fun to play with but don't really taste that good.
Conor was apparently very tired, perhaps he stayed up too late waiting for Santa.
While waited for Grandma and Papa Joe to arrive, Dr. Eve had to check on her patient again.
Who's inside that tent? It's Eve!
My first Christmas was a standing blast!
With all the excitement, it was hard to get a good picture of both of us together. Those grownups tried to distract us with clapping but that did not work.
After a long day, I was ready to take a snooze in my new perfectly sized chair.
Meanwhile, Eve was busy getting Christmas dinner ready.

It was a very Merry Christmas indeed!
