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1, 2....3!

Today is my 3rd birthday! We started off the day with breakfast at Angelo's and then headed to the Hands On Museum. John enjoyed exploring the space for the first time. I was very busy sorting and moving balls. We met a few friends there too. Eliza and I chatted on the phone together. While John and Thomas had fun making music together! Later in the day, I got to open some presents and I got the whole world in my hands! And a new glider bike! We headed off to Knight's for our usual New Year's Eve's Birthday dinner. My friend Eliza was there with her family too! Per my request, I got a chocolate cake with pink frosting! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! What a day! Oh, and Happy New Year!

Progression of an Onion Ring

Are you ready for the most ever compiled pictures of an almost 11 month old eating an onion ring? Because I am and I loved it! After eating dinner at our hangout Casey's, I was getting a bit restless in my chair. I snagged a very large onion ring from Daddy's plate. This is most interesting. I must sit down to inspect closer. Crispy on the outside and slimy on the inside.  I guess I will try it. I like it!

It's Christmas Time!

Thankfully my 4 day long fever finally broke on Christmas morning, so I could enjoy opening our presents from Santa with Dr. Eve! Eve needed to make sure that her puppy was feeling well too. Daddy was being funny with his new Clan McKinnon bow tie. My new wooden blocks are fun to play with but don't really taste that good. Conor was apparently very tired, perhaps he stayed up too late waiting for Santa. While waited for Grandma and Papa Joe to arrive, Dr. Eve had to check on her patient again. Who's inside that tent? It's Eve! My first Christmas was a standing blast! With all the excitement, it was hard to get a good picture of both of us together. Those grownups tried to distract us with clapping but that did not work. After a long day, I was ready to take a snooze in my new perfectly sized chair. Meanwhile, Eve was busy getting Christmas dinner ready. It was a very Merry Christmas indeed!

Christmas Eve

I joined in the Bloody Mary holiday tradition to start the day. I like spicy (without the crab leg and vodka of course)! I got my first set of golf clubs from Grandma and Grandpa! John was still feverish but enjoyed walking with his new alligator chomper!  Aunt Sarah gave me a pretty new outfit... ...that I had to change into to have early birthday cake for Ella and I!

Santa's Coming!

After a busy day learning to ski, I got dressed up for the Santa Party with Ella in dresses that Grandma made. My ski instructor Laura was there - I was a little more friendly this time (at least no tears). Unfortunately John woke up from his late afternoon nap with a 102 degree fever and was not feeling well, so this was the best family picture that we got this evening. John was feeling well enough to go near Santa but would definitely not leave Mommy's lap. Which was similar to my behavior as I would not leave Daddy's lap despite how excited I was to see Santa (from afar)!

Ski Time

Here I am getting ready for my very first ski lesson! Mommy helped prepare me at Nubs Nob - the very same place that she learned to ski as a little girl like me! I was very interested in watching all the people come down the hill.  Here I am all ready to go! My first chairlift ride with my teacher Laura (a family friend that Mommy used to babysit)! It unfortunately did not go very well as I was a bit nervous and scared. We tried going down the bunny hill area but I was still very nervous. But once I had both Mommy and Daddy helping me, I was a bit more comfortable! And Daddy even let go of me! And I went solo down the hill (for a small part at least)! Then after taking a lunch break and eating french fries, I was ready to try again and loved it even more! I'll be ready for the black diamonds soon!