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I'm 1 year old now! I don't like to pose in my chair anymore...
...I much prefer to walk around!
With all my Christmas present opening practice...
...I was much better at helping to open my birthday presents!
Mommy spruced up my highchair for my big day!
And she made me a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and Daddy decorated it for me!
Why is my chair in the middle of the room and why is everyone staring at me?
Hmmmmm, what is that?!
Oh, this looks interesting.
 I think I like it!
Please, I'm not pausing from eating my chocolate cake for a picture.
More please!
I'm halfway through...
Whoa. Chocolate is so yummy.
Why did my parents wait so long to give me chocolate?
I wish it was my birthday everyday!
After all that chocolate, I had a lot of energy so I worked it off going for a walk with my new alligator pet.
Once again, I had lots of fun celebrating with my family!
I am blessed to have both my Grandma and Grandpa &
my Grandma and Papa Joe celebrate my 1st birthday with me!

Happy New Year!!
