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My First Christmas

Christmas morning came and I discovered that Santa brought me a bunch of presents!
Daddy gave us some letter cookie cutters so I can start baking some yummy treats with Mommy!
Daddy helped show me how to play my new drum! 
Later in the day, Daddy's family came over to celebrate the holiday with us. Uncle Gavin and I had matching outfits!
I put on my pretty Christmas tutu again...
...and said "Daddy, Daddy....look! There's lots more presents to open, let's go!" OK, so I can't really say that yet but that is definitely what I was thinking.
I got a vintage 1998 Santabear from Uncle Gavin. 
And another thing to ride in that I wanted to use right away! I can't wait to go on some bike rides with Mommy and Daddy.
But sometimes, it was the simplest toys that got me excited. I love to collect things and carry around as many objects as possible, so these nesting blocks are perfect! 
I got an Eve-sized chair from my grandparents!
The next Mozart! My musical themed holiday was completed with a mini piano from my Grandma who is an excellent pianist herself.
I went for a Christmas afternoon ride in my new tricycle looking stylish in my new Russian mink hat that my Grandma & Grandpa brought back from their trip.
Finally, I decided that I should put on my Christmas dress.
It sure was a delightful McKinnon family Christmas day!
