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Showing posts from December, 2011


I'm 1 year old now! I don't like to pose in my chair anymore... ...I much prefer to walk around! With all my Christmas present opening practice... ...I was much better at helping to open my birthday presents! Mommy spruced up my highchair for my big day! And she made me a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and Daddy decorated it for me! Why is my chair in the middle of the room and why is everyone staring at me? Hmmmmm, what is that?! Oh, this looks interesting.   I think I like it! Please, I'm not pausing from eating my chocolate cake for a picture. Yum! More please! I'm halfway through... Whoa. Chocolate is so yummy. Why did my parents wait so long to give me chocolate? I wish it was my birthday everyday! After all that chocolate, I had a lot of energy so I worked it off going for a walk with my new alligator pet. Once again, I had lots of fun celebrating with my family! I am blessed to

My First Christmas

Christmas morning came and I discovered that Santa brought me a bunch of presents! Daddy gave us some letter cookie cutters so I can start baking some yummy treats with Mommy! Daddy helped show me how to play my new drum!  Later in the day, Daddy's family came over to celebrate the holiday with us. Uncle Gavin and I had matching outfits! I put on my pretty Christmas tutu again... ...and said "Daddy, Daddy....look! There's lots more presents to open, let's go!" OK, so I can't really say that yet but that is definitely what I was thinking. I got a vintage 1998 Santabear from Uncle Gavin.  And another thing to ride in that I wanted to use right away! I can't wait to go on some bike rides with Mommy and Daddy. But sometimes, it was the simplest toys that got me excited. I love to collect things and carry around as many objects as possible, so these nesting blocks are perfect!  I got an Eve-sized chair from my grandparents

Christmas Eve

I celebrated my first Christmas Eve with my Mommy's side of the family. I think my stocking that my Grandma made just for me is actually taller than me, but that just means more room for presents! My outfit was enhanced with a pretty Christmas tutu and headpiece! I hadn't quite mastered the art of opening my presents, so my cousins pitched in and helped. I did have the art of playing with my new toys mastered though! I loved my new tricycle from my Grandma and Grandpa and wanted to go for a ride immediately!


A few inches of snow feel during the night of the party up north, so the next morning we headed outside....after I read some Christmas stories to Conor.  I got all bundled up in my snowsuit and went on some exciting sledding adventures. Conor also had fun romping around in the snow! And my cousin Ella had fun getting a turn at pulling my sled.  I had a blast playing in the snow for the first time!

A More Formal Christmas Party

My second party of the holiday season was up north at my grandparents annual Christmas party in Petoskey. No ugly Christmas sweaters this time.  My cousins and I all managed to smile and look at the camera at mostly the same time! Grandpa and Grandma hosted a fun filled evening. My Papa Joe and Grandma also made the trip up north to enjoy the party! I was showing off my walking skills to whoever would watch! I fell asleep after a little bit from all the partying but Mommy woke me up because Santa had come with presents for all the little kids!  My first present from Santa!