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An Action Packed Day

We started the day by watching the action on the river from our little hotel balcony. 
They call this place Fishtown, but we didn't wake up earlier enough to see the fisherman head out. 
We explored the beach area right by the hotel before heading up the Leeleaau peninsula. 
We explored all the way up to the tip of the peninsula at the Leelanau State Park and then found some good hiking trails with great views! 
After lunch in Northport, we found a big park with lots of play equipment to burn off more energy. 
We all got into the swinging action!

Some of us got creative. 
Then back to our hotel for some late afternoon beach fun. I was the only one who would venture into Lake Michigan (it was cold)! 

We finished the night meeting the Hensel family at a super cool outdoor restaurant Hop Lot - which had lots of picnic tables and outdoor games to play!  
