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Fall Fun

It was a beautiful fall day for Eve's last soccer game of the season. Another win for the Flamingos!
Cousin Louis was in town for the weekend so after lunch we headed out the cider mill for some good midwestern fun. 
Everyone enjoyed the hayride!
Selfie time by Eve, first with Aunt Diana!
 And then with John!
I thought this pumpkin from the patch was big enough. 
Big enough to eat for a snack that is. 
We actually snacked on real apples picked from the trees - and John showed is toughness by not flinching when a bee landed on his hand!
Don't worry guys, I can get this one all by myself. 
Well, maybe I could use a little help. 
Louis had the right idea by just focusing on walking. 
John kept sneaking off for more apples. 
I kept wanting to give big hugs to Louis!
Finally it was time to head back. 
Eve and John worked hard to get our pumpkins safely back. 
And had fun doing it!
