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Showing posts from June, 2017

Thankful for Sharing

Apparently I'm not old enough yet to get my own ice cream cone. But thankfully, I have an awesome big brother who likes to share his with me! It's so exciting, I simply can't stay seated! I really just need to get on top of the table to get some of Eve's triple chocolate! Apparently single chocolate is just not good enough for her - I would agree that triple is the way to go!

Running the Bases

First, you have to get into your batting stance. Then hit the ball and take off for first. Take off from second to third. Almost there... Made it third - with my awesome base coach cheering me on. Almost home... Made it before the tag - one run for the Pirates!

A Group of Nutcases

My first bike ride! This group of nutcases was all ready for our ride around the river!

Ten Months

I love to explore - open drawers, doors, whatever seems interesting. Sometimes I have to get up on my tippy toes to reach the good stuff! I can sit for a little bit and smile for my pictures! But I much prefer to be on the move! Still happy as ever - even though my first two teeth are starting to make their appearance! This is my squatting technique I use to keep my leg muscles strong! You need good leg muscles to walk! I'm almost there without assistance! Back to work. This walking business takes good concentration!

Hitting The Links

Eve and I spent the afternoon with Daddy and Grandpa for Father's Day doing one of their favorite pastimes - playing golf! My backswing form may still need some work but - my follow through is spot on!

Last Day!

Today was my last day of Kindergarten! I think we've all grown a lot since my first day back in September! It was only a half day today, so Daddy picked me for an adventurous afternoon! I had a super time this year with my super teacher, Mr Toohey! We had to return to school shortly after leaving since I left my water bottle there, so Daddy and I got our picture in front of the paper chains the class made several weeks ago when Daddy was the classroom volunteer. With Daddy overseeing quality control, the chains were excellently crafted - and the only artwork left in all of the school halls! After lunch, Daddy and I went for a kayak trip down the Huron River. I helped a lot more then expected with my paddling. And of course, there was time to play in the river too!


Spontaneous hand holding: Proof that we do like each other!

From Music to Sports

I had my first piano recital today! I got to go first and play two songs! I really enjoyed getting better and better each week with Ms. Suzanne! My grandparents were in the crowd and gave me a charm bracelet with two charms - music themed of course! Then it was a quick wardrobe change, picnic lunch at the park, then my final soccer game. It was a big day for me - I scored two goals!

Just along for the ride!

There was an extra van at the hair salon, so I went for a ride! It was just my size!

Peonies, peonies and more peonies

Who's that hiding in the peonies?  It's me! Cora loved the really big peonies! John was interested in the flowers - a little bit - And smiling - a little bit too.   But mostly interested in sticks - and being silly! Cora however was very interested in giving big smiles! Even when we got to climb the tree - John still wouldn't smile, even when he really wanted too! Cora joined us high in the tree (with a little help)! Smiling and exposing my fifth lost tooth! Finally a smile from John but Cora was distracted. Oh well. Fun family day in the Arb!

Wines Country Fair

 The end of the school year celebration at Wines Elementary had lots of fun activities. Some you had to work for. But the fall was worth the climb! Eve would agree! Winning $100 gift card to the movie theatre wasn't bad either!