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Showing posts from April, 2017

Tulip Time

Take 2!

Mommy's second attempt at the photoshoot reenactment. This time we were inside for better light control for amateurs and Mommy gave my props. Pretty good results!

8 & On The Move

Eight months old today! It was a big month - I started crawling a few days ago and I can pull myself up to standing. I'm pretty proud of those accomplishments! How do you know I'm happy (or that I want more)? It's easy, I'll just bang my arm like this. It's not so loud when I do it on the soft stool, much louder and more effective when I'm sitting in my highchair! Mommy had to be quick to snap a picture in the chair. Because as I said before, I'm on the move! And do not want to sit in this chair! Much better - on floor where it's safe to crawl!

Hoppy Easter!

The Easter Bunny did it again - this year with 3 baskets full of goodies! I was mostly interested in the basket itself! John immediately started sorting his new ocean creatures - which I thought we pretty interesting. Certainly good enough to start crawling for - not just reaching. First attempt at a picture of the cousins. I just woke up. I was hungry. I think Louis was wondering who this guy was that kind of looked like his Dad. I was wondering why my Dad was carrying someone else around! Second attempt after brunch. I little bit better. Grandpa quickly caught John while he was running around for one picture with cousins and grandparents! Then it was off to the races! Eve went super fast and quickly filled up her bag. John kept up with the pack filling his bag. And exhibited stealth moves to take the right angle to reach the other purple egg before the other boys. Eve helped John once her bag was full as John has his hands full trying to outrun t

Recreating a Photoshoot

 Trying to recreate a photoshop from when Eve was about my age! Mommy had a few things going against her including the season: dead grass background! The weather: it was windy! My hair: Eve didn't have any! Age: I'm a few months older than Eve was so I can crawl! Distractions: I had two older siblings hanging around! Experience: Mommy's an amateur, Eve had a professional! Finally, Mommy let everyone into the picture - including the kids freshly slathered in sunscreen! It turned out just fine though to capture some sweet sibling moments!

Opening Weekend

The weather was so much like summer for Tigers opening weekend that we all headed to the ballpark!  Cora was all smiles for her first game! A sunny day meant hats, sunglasses, lots of things to distract everyone from looking at the camera! Finally - we made it to the merry-go-round! Then we found some pals to hang out with. Some were bigger than others! Roar!

A Few of My Favorite Things

Michigan + Star Wars = Hail!


It was nice enough to take my slightly bigger bike down to the park! Yup, I still know how to do it! And Cora really enjoyed the swing!