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My Birth Day

Hello world! Here I am - Cora Ann McKinnon! All 9 pounds, 5 ounces and 22 inches of me!
I almost arrived on my due date. I made Mommy's water break at 11pm on my due date, August 19th. Things progressed quickly from there and I got to meet my Mommy at 3:44am on August 20th!
And get big snuggles from my Daddy too!
A few hours later, my big siblings came to meet me (that's me everyone is smiling at hidden in the blankets)!
I quickly realized the theme for today was "Who gets to hold Cora now?"
My big sister Eve is a pro after lots of practice with her dolls at home!
And my big brother John was just as ready!

I certainly can get used to this!

More turns - this time for Grandma!
And of course Grandpa too!
Eve made sure that my hearing test was performed without any problems. She wouldn't let me far out of her sight!
Phew, a break to rest in my crib.
Then back to being held once my other Grandma arrived!
Papa Joe was just as happy to let Grandma keep holding me!

Our first family of five picture!
Finally, time to just nap peacefully in my crib!
