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Dancing Queen

Uncle Gavin, Daddy and John were all ready for the ceremony to start!
John and I got to wait in the special room with the bride, bridesmaids and Grandma!
Here's John - still waiting - hopefully thinking of how to walk to down the aisle holding my hand.
Me and my flower basket.
"All aboard!" says Engineer John!
To John's wonderful delight - there was another train set just outside the reception room at the Phipps Conservatory.
John and Daddy wore matching McKinnon tartan bowties!
 John thought the cake was pretty tasty.
 Especially the frosting!
Our family picture in the tropical rainforest (in the middle of winter)!
John and I were having so much fun all day that Mommy could hardly capture a picture of both of us together!
Finally the dancing started - led off of course by the bride and groom!
John took a front row seat to watch Aunt Diana dance with her dad.
Then after all the formal dances it was my turn to start dancing!
And once I started - I did not stop!
I have some pretty good moves for a 4-year old!

John found my flower basket at the table and decided that I needed it on the dance floor.
John was not very interested in dancing himself but my second cousin Cate kept step with me most of the night!
Probably one of my last dances of the night - and I got to do it with both Uncle Gavin and Aunt Diana!
