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Showing posts from 2014

4 and Counting

We spent my birthday morning at the Hands On Musuem - exploring with my friends Kathryn and Supriya. Practicing teamwork with my friend Eliza. Smart grandmas think alike! Coincidental coordinating presents - a nice doll highchair from Mommy and Daddy and a new doll from Grandma and Papa Joe! A school-time nap pillow! Not that I'm going to take a nap now! Picture time with Grandma and Grandpa (and new doll)! John actually joined the picture fun with Grandma and Papa Joe! Trying to take advantage of John's cooperation - almost captured everyone looking! Waiting patiently for my birthday treat after dinner at Knight's. As the parents discussed yesterday's big Michigan football news - John joined the conversation with a big, loud "Go Blue!" Finally - there it is - my own chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles! Perfect birthday celebration!

Future Skater

Learning how to skate! Very hesitant at first but finally started standing up and moving on my own - a little bit!

Mad Scientist

Concentrating very hard using some of my new play-doh accessories! Making a bracelet - purple of course!

Santa Came!

We woke up to find that indeed Santa had come, ate his cookies, drank some milk and left us presents! I took my time opening presents - wanting to play with each one after I opened it. Eve on the other hand wanted to quickly open more presents - until she got the toy that she had asked Santa for! I was excited to get more trains! Eve and I worked together to open some joint presents! Good teamwork!  Does standing on top of the box help open it? Me with my grilling set and Eve with her baking set! After opening our presents, we opened up our stockings! After a busy morning, Grandma and Papa Joe came over for more presents, eating and holiday merriment!

Christmas Eve Festivities

After eating brunch at Grandma and Grandpa's, it was time to open some presents! John was not interested in the group stocking photo. Everyone was interested in opening presents though! John figured out the opening part very quickly! Ella and I opened our presents from Aunt Sarah -  - which were fancy bears that she had growing up! John got some puzzles and went right to work. John and I got suitcases and - - sleeping bags! So we are ready for overnight adventures! Silly John. It was a fun Christmas Eve celebration!

Solo School Party Fun

Since John was sick today, he didn't get to take part in the school holiday party festivities. So it was just me having fun being a snowman and a gingerbread man!

Busy Holiday Day

I started the day by telling Santa what I wanted for Christmas. I almost sat on Santa's lap - keeping a tight hold on Mommy. A family picture with Santa - John did not want to get that close! Later in the day we went to a celebration party for one of my favorite teachers - Ms. Seema! She's moving temporarily to Boston but I hope she comes back! My friends and I found a unique place (on the back of a big cow) to eat our dinners! I'm not quite sure what my silly friends are doing. Finally, John and I finished the evening at Grandma and Grandpa's house as Mommy and Daddy had a grown-up holiday party to attend! It certainly is a busy time around the holidays!

A New View

What's the advantage of throwing up in your carseat? My parents had to take it out of the car to clean and they put it back in a different way - face forwarding! There is a whole new world to watch this way! Hooray!

Still Pretzel Season

Daddy and I went to the hockey game with Evan and his Daddy. And guess what? They have pretzels there just like the football game!

Family Brunch

We ended the long holiday weekend with brunch at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Fun times with grandkids and grandparents! All of the McDonnell Clan was there! All the cousins went on a walk through the woods. I took a short rest on the bench, but I walked the whole way. Sometimes it was a run through the woods - with two fairies leading the way! Nathan and I brought up the rear. Hooray for cousin time!