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Showing posts from August, 2013


I was all smiles for my first trip to the Big House! I was mesmerized by the football game big scoreboards! I'm sure I'll be back for more fun!

Putt Putting

Daddy tried very hard to teach me how to hit the ball, right-handed that is.  Despite his best efforts, when left on my own, I usually hit left handed. I did do an excellent job of retrieving everyone's ball for them - after their first stroke! Even John and Mommy got into the action. It truly was adventure golf! I wasn't too happy when I couldn't get my ball back after the last hole but it was still lots of fun with Grandma and Papa Joe! Before heading home, it went down to the dock to enjoy the water one last time. John was all smiles in the very blue scenery!  We had sooo much fun on vacation!

Running in the Dunes

What better way to start the day but with both Grandmas and donuts!! After our sugary breakfast, we headed to the Sleeping Bear Dunes - they were really BIG sand hills! There was a perfect little perch for me sit upon! Then jump off and run through the sand! Even Daddy got into the playtime! Run, run, run! Did I mention that I had a lot of sugar for breakfast?  We found a nice shady spot to rest and take some family photos.  Girls on one side, boys on the other! So blessed to spend time with all of my grandparents!

Summer Vacation

We spent an enjoyable week up on Crystal Lake. We had a private beach that we had to ourselves most of the week. Complete with a fun little slide into the water. Everyone was having fun in the sun! John got used to the sand and water - And was quickly having fun (?) getting buried in the sand with me. Yes, John did like the sand! I went for an exciting paddleboat ride with Daddy and Grandma! After going out to dinner together, we stopped on the Lake Michigan shoreline to watch the sunset.  A pretty ending to a wonderful day!

Up North Weekend

We made my first trip to Petoskey for a weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's with my aunts, uncle and cousins! I went swinging - with a dolly... ...and with Eve! We spent most of the day together on a boat having fun on Crooked Lake.  Eve got a turn to drive the boat with Grandpa.  Eve and Ella were loving watching the water go by in their matching purple sunglasses! Eve ditched the sunglasses for more protection with goggles to watch out of the front of the boat! I fell asleep almost as soon as we got on the boat but finally woke up to have my own fun in the sun! After all that fun, I worked up a big appetite that Grandpa helped to satisfy!


My buddy Thomas came home with me after school until his Mommy could pick him up. We were so excited for our playdate that we both fell asleep on the way home!


We made our first trip to visit Uncle Gavin at his new house in Pittsburgh. After a few days of work, we went to the Pittsburgh Zoo for some fun. Daddy and I watched the lions sunbath.  I got up close and personal to a cheetah. And we all had fun watching the elephants!


I'm six months old already and quite active! I can sit up all by myself! And I hardly like to stay in the same spot for very long.  See - sitting all by myself! I see what you put in front of me, Mom. Just out of my reach you think? Not so fast, I can still get it! Almost there... Ta-da! Got it! I can army crawl and roll over both ways. Any day now, I'm going to figure out how to do this regular crawling business! We finished off my half birthday by going to Casey's for dinner and I got to sit in my first big boy chair at the restaurant!