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My Birth Day

Hello World! At 5:39 AM, I arrived - weighing in at 8 pounds 14.5 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches.
My Daddy was there of course and was super proud.
My Mommy was too, even when I was crying. 
 Ah, sleeping again.
After a few hours, my big sister Eve came to meet me! She was a bit hesitant at first but that might have had something to do with all the doctors and nurses that were in the room when she arrived.
It didn't take long and we got a smile on her face though!
Daddy had his lap full with both his daughter and son!
My Grandma McDonnell came to meet me and give me lots of love. 
And my Grandma McKinnon gave me lots of snuggles.
Here I am snoozing with both my Grandpa and Grandma McDonnell.
And finally, three generations of McKinnon men - Papa Joe, Daddy and me.


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