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Showing posts from February, 2013

Grandma Time

We went to the Hands On Museum when Grandma McKinnon came to visit. There was lots to keep busy with - I was a blur of activity! Grandma and John had good fun together too!

G & G

I had fun hanging out with my Grandma and Grandpa McDonnell who came and stayed with us for a few days.

Meet the Cousins

My cousins Nathan and Ella were excited to come meet me! And Eve was also excited to show me off! While I continued to sleep, the three big kids had fun coloring bee masks together. Eve preferred to keep her colorful design facing herself! Finally, I woke up and hung out with them for a bit. Eve was busy feeding her baby doll with her new bottles. Filling up the couch with Grandma and Grandpa and all four of the grandkids!

What's in a name?

John - My Daddy's preference. Plus the name is all over both sides of family tree including John Mackinnon (great-great-great-great-great grandfather) from the 1700s born on the Isle of Skye and John Rauss (great-great-great-great grandfather) from the 1800s born in Germany - both the oldest ancestors traced in the family lines that immigrated to Canada or the US. Robert - Named after my Mommy's maternal grandmother Roberta Rauss.

Our Neighborhood Hangout

We ventured out to one of our favorite local restaurants for dinner but I slept the whole time. In two years though, I expect to be sitting in my own booster seat eating grilled cheese and french fries just like Eve!

Big Sis

I'm a big sister now! And I'm not wasting any time trying to teach my little brother John how to play!

My First Outing

All bundled up for my first outing - to the doctor's office!


And just like that, I got to go home! I got lots of sniffs from another new friend - my dog Conor! My big sister Eve was very proud to get to hold me all by herself! (Well, maybe with just a little help from Dad) And she loves to give me kisses! The Clan McKinnon - now a family of four! Getting used to one of my new cozy spots. My Aunt Jennifer was in town for work so she stopped by to say Hello!

My Birth Day

JOHN ROBERT MCKINNON   Hello World! At 5:39 AM, I arrived - weighing in at 8 pounds 14.5 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches. My Daddy was there of course and was super proud. My Mommy was too, even when I was crying.   Ah, sleeping again. After a few hours, my big sister Eve came to meet me! She was a bit hesitant at first but that might have had something to do with all the doctors and nurses that were in the room when she arrived. It didn't take long and we got a smile on her face though! Daddy had his lap full with both his daughter and son! My Grandma McDonnell came to meet me and give me lots of love.  And my Grandma McKinnon gave me lots of snuggles. Here I am snoozing with both my Grandpa and Grandma McDonnell. And finally, three generations of McKinnon men - Papa Joe, Daddy and me.

Winter Wagon

Monday = Regular School Day = No other kids on the sled hill but ME! Plenty of room for me to have lots of fun in my 'winter wagon'!