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Christmas Day

Christmas cardinals came for a visit in the morning. 
Me - I woke up, climbed up into my rocking chair and started reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. This is how Mommy and Daddy found me in the morning. 
We all went downstairs to find that Santa had came during the night and brought lots of present. We opened our stockings first and I decided to wear them around after we emptied them!
Santa brought me an awesome new train set!
Boy, was I super excited! (Daddy was too!)
Daddy and I had fun setting up the tracks and running the trains round and round!
After a busy morning, we headed over to my cousins' house for Christmas dinner and more presents. 
Ella and I got matching French berets!
And we stayed busy drawing pretty pictures on Ella's art easel!

Our joint masterpiece!
