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Showing posts from December, 2012


Turning two years old is fun business! I went out to an early bird dinner at Knight's and enjoyed some chicken and fries and ice cream! After dinner, I got to open my birthday presents from Mommy & Daddy. I could grow up to be a zoo keeper... ...or a carpenter... ...or a musician! Saying cheese with Mommy and my birthday cupcake! What a treat - I got to have a second dessert on my second birthday! I couldn't go to sleep without my new animal truck! What a wonderful birthday! Happy New Year's Eve!


We did have a white Christmas with just a little bit of snow but the next day we got lots of snow! I was Daddy's big helper shoveling the driveway! Conor helped get the snow off me once I finally came inside.  The next day we headed to the park for sledding. I didn't like going down the hill in the sled very much but I sure liked going down the slide! A few days later, we went to the park again. This time with my friend Evan who usually liked to run down the hill with his sled. And I did have fun sledding and even going down the hill all by myself!

Christmas Day

Christmas cardinals came for a visit in the morning.  Me - I woke up, climbed up into my rocking chair and started reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. This is how Mommy and Daddy found me in the morning.  We all went downstairs to find that Santa had came during the night and brought lots of present. We opened our stockings first and I decided to wear them around after we emptied them! Santa brought me an awesome new train set! Boy, was I super excited! (Daddy was too!) Daddy and I had fun setting up the tracks and running the trains round and round! After a busy morning, we headed over to my cousins' house for Christmas dinner and more presents.  Ella and I got matching French berets! And we stayed busy drawing pretty pictures on Ella's art easel! Our joint masterpiece!

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at Grandma and Papa Joe's house.  I passed out all the presents even all the "big" and "heavy" ones! The best present of the day was my new doll house! Complete with furniture and people!

Sweater Party 2012

Uncle Gavin had a pretty good shirt, but I think I beat him out in the competition.  Proof that good holiday sweaters come in all sizes! Mommy and Daddy had coordinating doggies sweaters but we all had matching necklaces!

Santa Party

Wearing my Christmas best for the annual Santa Party at my grandparents house in Petoskey.  Sometimes, it's all about the shoes.  Special times with Grandma and Grandpa, Nathan and Ella.  Cousin love! More family pictures - just Mommy, Daddy and I! Mommy and my aunts - Aunt Sarah surprised us for the weekend! The whole McDonnell Clan! It's always fun to play with Ella! Finally, Santa arrived with a big bag of presents and even Mommy got to sit on Santa's lap to get a gift for my new sibling.  Of course Santa brought me a present too but I was a little too shy to sit on his lap by myself so Daddy had to help!

Santa Visit

I went to visit Santa at Kerrytown. He was really nice and friendly -  - but I only liked to look at him from my parents arms.

Conor's New Best Friend

We have a new pet in the neighborhood - our neighbors new dog Max! Conor and Max love to run around the backyards together!  And I love to get some Max licks! Conor and Max have lots of fun together!