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Showing posts from April, 2012


Conor and I have been enjoying the warm spring weather and exploring the backyard together. I found an interesting row of yellow flowers. Mommy taught me how to smell the pretty flowers. So I get really close.... And maybe a little too close! I got a new set of wheels! So I can go to our plot at the community garden to help grow some vegetables. Daddy taught me how to water the plants.  Perhaps I will eat my vegetables if we grow them ourselves!


Hi! My name is Eve. What do you want to talk about? Oh, you wanted to hear me play my xylophone sitting in Conor's crate? I can do that!

Easter Treats

I woke up to find that the Easter Bunny had paid us a visit and brought several new books and a chocolate bunny (more on that later).  I got dressed up and went to visit my Papa Joe and Grandma for the day. I had fun dancing around with my new stuffed bunny. We visited the park across the street and Grandma got to see how much I love to swing!  I also loved going down the slide!   I finished off the day with getting to eat some of my chocolate bunny. Daddy helped open up the ears - that is where he says you have to start.  It sure was yummy. I made a pretty good dent in the ears before my parents said I had had enough. Mommy and Daddy would like to point out that whoever implied taking candy from a baby is easy never stuck around for the aftermath.