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Fore, For.....No, I'm FOUR months old!

Hey, what you lookin' at?!
My biggest accomplishment this month is that I learned to roll over from my back to my tummy! Now, I just have to master the other way.
My Aunt Sarah was making me laugh during my photo shoot.

We had quite a busy day on my 4-month birthday. We wandered the neighborhood at the Waterhill Music Festival where lots of musicians were playing on their front porches. Incredibly, we ran into another Wire Haired Fox Terrier named Mason who is actually Conor's brother (I'm not kidding, the same litter! And he lives in A2!)
I jammed with Aunt Sarah listening to Dick Siegel & The Brandos.

I hung out with Daddy listening to Khalid Hanifi & George Bedard.

After several other stops, I ended the afternoon dancing in the streets with Mommy to music from the Macpodz!
Then I went to the ice arena to watch Daddy play hockey!
I was thoroughly exhausted from all the fun events!
