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Showing posts from June, 2020

Friends Again!

Finally safe to visit some friends for outdoor play time. I got to see James outside of Gretchen's House and John was running around everywhere with Thomas.  

Legos & Tomahawks

Dad got his own Lego set for Father's Day (hopefully he let's me help him)! Another bike ride - this time to the "bumps" as Cora likes to call them.  Eve and I like to take the big ones - Cora sticks to the little ones on the side.   Per Dad's request - tomahawk steaks for dinner. Just two steaks to serve all 5 of us plus Grandma & Grandpa!

Strawberry Pickin'

You've got to get down and look under the leaves to find the best strawberries.  And I found lots of big juicy ones! And we hardly moved more than 20 feet from our car! In less than an hour, we had 3 big flats full (minus what I ate)! More bike action - this time at night for Eve & John to show off their cool bike lights.   

My First Real Bike Ride

Another great sunny day meant we went out on our bikes again. This was my first time on a ride where I was on my own bike - leading the way of course! It is proven that you get extra speed by sticking your tongue out.  And hitting your pretend jet-speed button! Eventually everyone passed me and made a turnaround to head back to the car.  7 miles with my little legs (OK maybe I didn't go quite to end like Daddy before turning around but I still went lots and lots of miles) Ice cream was definitely deserved!  

Partial Art Portfolio

I had brought home a few pieces from art class before quarantine started. Here's my family tree.  And the most excited snowman ever!  

A Different End - Same Tradition

It was the last day of school - still virtual.  But we kept the tradition of kayaking the Huron River alive!  

Thanks Ms Eckel!

When your teacher is retiring and you're still in quarantine, you have a drive-by farewell party!  

Garden Art

Today's art project was creating our own custom signs for the garden.  I think we get an A+!  


It was a nice summer day for us to pedal in circles at Wheeler Park.  The fun part was riding on Daddy's old BMX bike! Only two wheels - but room for lots of kids! Look kids - no hands! I'm still the speediest on my own two wheels!  

City Building

Today we built a full city -  complete with a hardware store, grocery, hotel among some other buildings. Our city is perfect for Lego people!