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Showing posts from July, 2019

Go Cardinals

We wrapped up our T-ball season tonight.  I'd say we had fun with each other!

Summer Days = Ice Cream!

As my shirt shows, I like ice cream. And so do Eve & John!

Tubing Fun

We started the morning with shallow water fun- then moved to the boat for deep water fun! After watching Eve tube with Mom, I decided that I could do it too. Then Eve got a turn with Nathan. Finally Cora decided she could do it - very slowly - with Mom -  & Dad! Lastly, I decided that I could do it all by myself - going fast and getting some air! It was definitely fun in the sun!

Lake Fun

After a week spent at home for our staycation while the house got repainted and new carpet, we ventured up north for a quick visit with the cousins on Walloon Lake.  We make a decent growth chart line! Ella and I sure had fun together! It's always a good time with G&G!


After another 4th of July spent at the pool during the day, I enjoyed sparklers at dusk.  Eve helped me write letters in the sky!


After running around the park for hours, Thomas and I finally relaxed and enjoyed watching the Manchester fireworks together!