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Showing posts from June, 2019

John R

I might not be famous yet, but somehow there's already a street named after me!

M Soccer Camp

After a week at the UM Soccer Camp, my teammates and I paraded across the field in the closing ceremony. I got to hold our team's flag - we represented Argentina.  That's me just to the right of the flag.  Front row, 5th from left.  No coaches meant it was time to be silly!

Thoughtful Drawing

I like to draw to express my feelings. Like this morning when I was very angry that the frickin' pogo stick wasn't counting my jumps correctly.  Then we went swimming and Daddy fell asleep in the sun and didn't feel well. So I made him a card with cutout hearts and ice cream to feel better. Once Daddy felt better, we got to go to the Stadium and tour the locker room. And be on the real field to watch the Spider-Man movie!

Daddy's Helpers

Daddy looked like he needed some help with this patio repair job.  I think Eve did a good job actually helping.  I think I did a really good job moving bricks back and forth.  I'm sure this was very helpful.

I'm a Big Kid Now

Well, I kind of thought I was a big kid until I stood next to this really big horse!  And maybe this purse isn't quite the right size for me...yet.  But follow me anyways, I know where I parked my car.

Love & Fore

Daddy hardly needed to open his card to know what we thought about him! Eve and I enjoyed an afternoon of golf with both Daddy & Grandpa! I may have been taking a few shortcuts in how I counted my shots, maybe.

Meeting New Friends

Our friends The Stachs came over for dinner and we got to meet Elle. We of course fought over who would get to hold her. John was lucky to go first. I was pretty happy just to play with someone my own size in Reese. Of course, Eve was an old pro in knowing how to hold Elle! And then finally it was my turn!

Last Day of School

 The morning drop-off for our last day of Kindergarten and 2nd Grade! Hooray - Eve made it through the day - and whole year - with great friends like Grace! And I succeeded in Mr Toohey's classroom! With good friends like my buddy Orson!  Keeping up our tradition, we went kayaking but this year was a twist since we couldn't go down the river - we kayaked all the way to the Barton Dam.  To wrap it up, I got all dressed up from my fancy shoes to nicely styled hair for a celebration dinner at Knight's.  That of course ended with a brownie sundae!

Real Music - Not Cake This Time

Mom & Dad made it back just in time for my first piano recital! Eve went first - playing her two songs from memory!  Cora sat - mostly patiently - watching all the kids perform.  When it was my turn - I also rocked out my two songs!

A Weekend Away

We got to spend the weekend with Grandma & Grandpa (we kept them too busy for pictures); while Mom & Dad made a trip to DC & Prince William Forest Park for their friend's wedding.


Let's just say that I had a particular way that I wanted to sleep tonight.

Coach - Put Me In!

One more soccer game for my Wolverines team - plus 1! My teammates and I might have been a little distracted by our rookie recruit.

That's a Wrap

We wrapped up another Wolverines soccer season this morning.  Lots of running, kicking and fun!