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Showing posts from May, 2019

Musical Cake

John and I joined forces to make an entry in the Wines Country Fair Cake Contest! Pretty good outcome - almost entirely created by us!  While we didn't win the contest, we certainly had a lot of fun at the fair.  Especially Cora!

What's That Noise?

It's the Ice Cream Truck!  Gosh, we really hope it comes back again!

Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day, we made a trip to Royal Oak to visit Grandma's resting place and our other relatives. Which lead to a stop by the Zoo! This time we took the train first and walked back visiting the animals along the way.   And ended with another fun ride!

Springtime Baseball

We did actually watch some of the baseball game, but we also got to visit Paws. And of course, a visit to the carousel! We did bring some goofball, I mean John, with us. Then we all spread our wings on the walk to restaurant for post-game dinner!

Mother's Day Thoughts

From John: "She is my coach" "She takes me to special places" Also from John: "My mom is best at cooking dinner" "My mom likes to work" "When I am at school my mom is at work" "My mom always says 'time for dinner' " "It bugs my mom when I be silly" "My mom loves me because I am nice to her" I think my thoughts are easy enough to read.

In Bloom Experts

While Cora examined the fresh spring blooms at the park with Dad & John - I spent the day at the Science Olympiad testing my knowledge on all things plants and trees for the In Bloom category! Grace and I were all smiles once our competition time was over. Honorable mention for us meant a walk up to the stage -  and medals!

Music Night

Saving the best for last, I was responsible for keeping my whole class inline in front of me. And ended up front and center for our kindergarten concert!

Another Wolverines Team Photo

Another season of fun with my soccer teammates.