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Showing posts from March, 2019

McBranSel Spring Break Wrap-up

Final photos from our rooftop porch.  Not the most cooperative bunch -  Mom should know better than wait to the last day to get a photo of us! Until next time boys! Time to hit the road back to Michigan!

Gulf World Extravaganza

More fun in the gulf visiting and learning about all kinds of marine life. Patiently waiting for the dolphin show... please start soon. Hooray! I was excited to find another animal friend named Mango - the same name as my leopard gecko friend at school! After checking out all the animals that live in or near the water, we thought we show test our water skills out too. Yes John, just like your new hat says, Life is Good!

Sandy Stroll

The family took a morning walk along the beach before it got crowded.  We had the place to ourselves to run around.  Some people got tired of running sooner than others and needed some help.  Good thing Dad was with us.  Later in the day just Mom and I walked to the little town area to look for some souvenirs and I made my first attempt at gambling. One of the stores had a coin push machine that Mom gave me two quarters for (after a bunch of teenagers had put in way more quarters) and I walked away with over $3 in winnings! 

Pool Time....Short Time

We had a super huge, awesome pool. But it was unheated, so we only went it for brief periods - but still tried to make the most of it!

Arr Matey!

Red Shirt Day for boys today. Deciding on which Ninjago character is our favorite. Seems like any good vacation spot as a pirate themed putt-putt course! An intense family challenge event occurred...The McKinnons won...under protest though! Fierce sports competition usually requires relaxing to recharge - good thing we had sand, sun and water! Digging, digging, and more digging. For the short trip home from the beach, we had the #1 shuttle driver who had special stash of chocolate chip cookies! For everyone!

Red Shirt Day

OK guys, which Ninjago character do you think looks best in red?

Sun & Fun

A beautiful sunny morning walk - led us to yummy donuts! Filled with sugar, we were ready for an intense game of duck, duck, goose. A long bike ride later, we found another sunny patch of grass to relax in. We definitely needed ice cream to refuel for the bike ride back home!

The Gang is All Here!

Hooray - we all made it!

A Grand Ole Stop

We spent the night in Nashville, ate dinner listening to live country music and did a quick drive-by of the Grand Ole Opry before continuing on our journey.


Less than 2 hours into our 14 hour trek to Florida for Spring Break and Cora is already snoozing!

Rodeo Houston

Who's ready to experience a real Texas rodeo?  This cowgirl! And all these other cowboys and cowgirl were too!  We saw lots of real livestock, horses and other animals, but these were the only ones we got to ride.  Yeehaw! We watched the local kids ride these sheep in the Mutton Bustin' event and tried to convince John to try but this was as close as he got.

The Newest McKinnon

First up was spending time with our newest cousin, baby Helen! That makes five happy McKinnon cousins! I really wanted to show Helen all the cool things to play with. One of my favorites though was helping with her bottles! Despite all the fun, Cora was able to find a cozy spot to snooze.  After resting up, we were ready for more excitement swimming at Lou & Helen's grandparents house.  While the adults were getting dinner ready, my job was to keep Helen occupied. I think I did a pretty good job!