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Showing posts from December, 2018

Party Like It's 2018

For my actual birthday - we spent some time at AirTime.  John got big ups.  I was a complete blur.  Even Cora (& Daddy - not pictured) got in on the action! John picked out a present for me - no surprise it was Legos!  I was very excited that Grandma & Grandpa got me a Fitbit (since Santa didn't bring me one).  I also got a pair of ear muffs that I've been asking for.  And I could hardly believe that I actually got my own iPad!  Then it was off to dinner - Daddy and John looked sharp together.  This year we mixed it up and went to The Gandy Dancer per my request.  It was another fantastic birthday celebration!  Wishing for many more! Cora and John had to share a dessert but I don't think they minded one bit.

Pool Party!

My birthday party started out with some fun in a makeshift photo booth with Grace -  and Sophie! After pizza and presents, we got to the cake.  It was big and delicious!  We did not wait 30 minutes though after eating but instead quickly moved on to fun and games in the pool!  Who said the party was over? There's still cake left on this plate!

Belle Isle Adventures

We took a family field trip to Belle Isle - and found Thomas' snowman mom at the aquarium.  After visiting the fish, we walked over to the Dossin Great Lakes Museum and found some cool old canons to climb.  Eve found part of a canoe to relax in.  We all found a great tree to climb! Our adventures wiped all of us out on the ride home.

Ice Time

Oh wow - this is going to be fun!  I got a lot of help and encouragement to start with.  And quickly figured out to do it on my own! But still liked getting help - this time from both Nathan and Ella! We all took breaks together.  And enjoyed being on the ice together!

Ready for Battle

And about 24 hours later - Kai's Fire Mech is complete!  I snagged Mom's ipad to capture the finished product. 944 pieces and mostly completed all by myself!

Stocking Photos

By the time we got to opening up our stockings, we were all getting a little silly from all the excitement! 

Hooray - It's Christmas!

It was a glowing morning as we gazed at all the wonderful wrapped presents Santa left for us.  Mom made us take a picture in front of the tree before we got started.  Cora really cheesed it up the most.  I picked out one that I thought I knew what it was -  and yes! I got the purple recorder that I asked for!  Cora worked really, really hard to open her presents.  I'm not sure what this face means.  Dad and John seemed to like their matching Scottish (aka Michigan) tartan ties.     John really loved getting his Ninjago legos - Kai's Fire Mech! And Cora got what she asked for too - lots of books!  After we wrapped up opening everything, John got straight to work on his mech.