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Showing posts from November, 2018

Still Maize & Blue

So the big game earlier today didn't go as we'd hoped, so we headed to a different UM sporting event to see if things could turn around!

Stay Home Day Fun

Post turkey day activities meant more craft time - this time at home.  And intense game time.  And fun play time. I helped Cora build a tower which we measured to see what was taller. Cora won.  Meanwhile, Eve was busy creating her own iPad, specialized with numerous custom keys.

Turkey + Mashed Potatoes!

I love to help in the kitchen - and there was a lot of opportunity to do that today.  John helped out too.  The turkey looked nice but what I was really looking forward to was the mashed potatoes!  John and I were both busy at school earlier this week with holiday crafts.  John made a hand turkey - which he did a nice job detailing and coloring. I am a little unsure what the purple animal represents though.  Transformed after several hours from pajamas to fancy clothes but still ready to help in the kitchen - this time helping make those yummy mashed potatoes! Dad wanted to sneak into the kids table photo.  After dinner, Cora tried helping out too but she was more interested in looking at her reflection than helping Grandma make the whipped cream!  She did make a clear choice on which dessert she wanted with that whipped cream though! Great Aunt Donna joined us for the festivities and got her picture with the big kids and the little kids! 

First Haircut

With the snow this week, Mommy got out our winter gear and I confirmed that my snowsuit still fits - although a bit snugly. Then it was off to Zoey & Joey for pre-holiday haircuts - including my first one ever! Just a little trim, mostly in back to even things out. And now I look several months older - like a big toddler! I might look like a big kid now, but I guess I still have some growing to do.

Schembechler Hall

What a treat! I went with Dad to Schembechler Hall for an event honoring his old equipment manager boss in college. I got to explore the practice facility - which included running several 100-yard dashes. It's a pretty B1G space, but I'm pretty fast.  Checking out this year's schedule poster, besides this game I'm pointing to, we've done pretty good so far. I also learned all about the wall of footballs - where one of the footballs from each game we've won gets placed.  Just me & this guy, Bo.

Early Snow

It's not even Thanksgiving and we had to break out the winter gear since it snowed already!

Big House Fun

We enjoyed watching our team beat up the opponent on a sunny, crisp fall day with Nathan!