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Showing posts from June, 2018

Clan Gathering

Mommy & Daddy took a weekend trip to Halifax for the MacKinnon Clan Gathering. They got to watch lots of interesting performers at the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo. Daddy got to take his picture of one of the best dressed performers! And they found a restaurant with a fantastic name!

Lucky #13

The T-ball season kicked off with most of the kids not paying too much attention in the field. That's me at the pitching mound. I usually paid attention - especially when I was the pitcher. And I was lucky that one of my teammate's Mom brought her nice camera to every game for some good action - or not so action - shoots.

A Night at Casey's

I'm still working on my photog skills, but took over Mom's phone and captured my family at dinner. Here's my unedited photos. First, Dad wrapping up some leftovers. Eve happily sitting in front of a pile of condiments.  And a close up of Mom and the back of Cora's head. Like I said at the beginning, I'm still working on my skills.

Beep Beep!

There's a new driver in town - watch out! John was trying to override me from the back seat. But it didn't work, I kept us going around in circles.  Before the mini-fun at the street fair, eveyone had a hard time with trying to find "back" in the word search from Eve's 1st grade book. 

Strawberry Pickin'

Daddy wanted to go strawberry picking on Father's Day. So that's what we did.  John and I helped as we could but really it was more a game of don't step on the plants! I didn't have my own bag or box to collect them in - so I improvised!


I wrapped up another season of soccer with my friends. I would say we are starting to really get the hang of things. Go Ladybugs!

That's a Wrap!

I've officially completed 1st Grade! This year, Mom & John joined us in an afternoon kayak adventure! Dad & I enjoyed the company! (Pretty sure we got to the end first!)

Food Critic

As part of our Writer's Workshop sessions in 1st grade, we had Zingerman's foodies come into our class to teach us to write food reviews.  Which means we actually got to taste yummy goodies! I had the opportunity to taste Bonajuto chocolate and write my own review that was on display in the real Zingerman's store along with my classmates' reviews too! Cora that she would like to try chocolate that tasted like it had crystals in it! "Bonajuto chocolate pairs nicely with creamy ice cream or fresh strawberries with wipped cream!"