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Showing posts from May, 2018

Ready, Set, Ride!

Proof that you can ride a Fliker Scooter in a dress and wearing dress shoes! Cora wanted in on the 'riding' action! Good thing Nathan and Ella live on a quiet street so we had a really big area to ride around on!

A Day of Hiking

Dressed up again - this time for a hike through Warren Dunes State Park.  Cora had it made - she got a ride from Mom! Eve, Ella and I had to trek through the sand! Climb up steep hills! But we did it! Cora said that she wanted to try too.  See me?! Note that if you run down a sand dune, you usually have to climb back up it! Cora made it a ways by herself... and Mommy helped get her to the top! It was a great first visit to Aunt Sarah's new place.  Eve liked the pretty flowers - that I liked to hide in! We visited Aunt Sarah's new restaurant - which was still under construction, so no yummy food yet.  Later in the day we ventured to a different park - Galien River County Park.  See that overlook really high up? We hiked out to the end of that and then down to the lower paths. Super busy day hiking all over the place!

All Dressed Up

All dressed up with somewhere to go - overnight trip to visit Aunt Sarah at her new place in New Buffalo! I got myself dressed today and asked Eve to take a picture of me. Not bad, I'd say!

Big Kid Playground

While Eve was busy at soccer practice, I ventured to the older elementary playground with John. Who says these slides are just for big kids?!

Art Night

Tonight I got to show off one of my art projects that I worked hard on this past year.  Cora and John were excited to be with such an artist! I wanted to show them some cool stuff in my classroom too - John was interested in my math tables.  And they both loved my quiet reading corner!


For Mother's Day, we had a little ceremony with Papa Joe & Gavin at the cemetery to bury Grandma in her final resting place. While we were there, we visited some older relatives and I found my namesake - my Great Great Grandma Cora! After brunch, we visited another cemetery to see Eve & John's namesakes too - our Great Grandmother Genevieve and Great Grandfather Henry John (just one of many Johns in the family lineage).