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Showing posts from January, 2018

Winter Biking

Wait, it is January, right? Yes. And we are in Michigan, right?  Yes. OK - time to go to the park and ride our bikes just wearing some vests? Yes. Cora decided she could run faster than bike!

By: Eve

Pink is Fine

And next, we wrapped up our skiing lessons - I made it up 3 color levels to end at pink which meant I got to on the chairlift (as technically a 4 year old in the 5-8 year old class)! (And the same level as Eve!)

The Best Fan

We wrapped up another session of ice skating lessons this winter with great success. I'm pretty sure I was the fastest in my class.  Both Eve and I made great strides on the ice.  And we couldn't have done it without our #1 fan watching from the stands - and to be there to carry all of our stuff for us too!


Who has bedhead? ME!

Snowday Superheros

Wait, I think I sense someone is following me... Who could it be?  I must make a quick getaway! Oh phew, it was only my friends!

Pasta, Pasta

We tried out a new Italian eatery tonight. Mommy was nice enough to share her pasta with me and wear a matching napkin bib! It was yummy, yummy! I loved the pasta (meanwhile John & Eve finished their pizza and had their eyes on some yummy desserts)!

One Last Celebration

We were a captive audience for the magician at my buddy August's birthday party.  Then we had a belated Christmas celebration - with a bonus that Aunt Sarah was able to be there! It was a grand event! Eve and Ella got the last bears from Aunt Sarah's collection for their birthdays.  And we had birthday cakes for December, January and February events!