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Showing posts from December, 2017

It's My Birthday!

And I'll make myself a card if I want to! We started the festivities with a trip to Chuck E Cheese's! John went flying! While Cora loved to pretend driving! Super fun for everyone! Including Chuck himself! We got cleaned up for presents with all my grandparents. It was a jewelry party - with a new charm for my bracelet and an "E" charm necklace! My birthday cake sure was on fire this year! I blew out the candles, but -  had to wait for the firecracker candle to burn out on it's own! Cora entertained everyone with her dance party! She loved it! As I loved my chocolate cake! And - Happy New Year's Eve!

A Walk in the Park

We had a few hours to spend in Texas before heading back to snowy Michigan so we went for a nice long walk in a park just a few minutes away from Louis' house. Who knew there would still be leaves on the ground?

PJ Party

One big (almost matching) family PJ event! The 18 month pajamas for Louis and Cora would maybe fit them when they were 6 months old.

A Place Just for Kids

Minutes away from Louis' house was a fun place just for us kids to play - like with the biggest Lite Bright we've ever seen!  We all did a little grocery shopping.  And got ready to fight fires! The McKinnon Clan was quick to respond! Louis and I enjoyed climbing and building with the big foam blocks.  Bath time was a favorite for cousin fun!

Houston, We Are Having Fun

Hooray - we made it to Houston to visit Louis!  We ventured to the NASA Space Center and saw some real spaceships! It was fun for all ages! We even got to go inside a spaceship! I spent most of my free time coloring my mini Star Wars coloring pages that Santa brought me. This one was for Mom, with a 'capital' M.

Presents Galore

He came!! We finally woke Cora up about 9am because we couldn't wait any longer. We kept her happy with cookies for breakfast! We were all happy to get animal slippers! And more than happy to lend a helping hand to open Mommy's presents! Eve was very happy to get her own camera that she was hoping for! And I loved getting my own Michigan football outfit! We must have been good boys and girls this year, we got lots of great presents! We made a late afternoon trip up to the park. Lots of fun sledding together! And even more family fun when Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner! Cora was excited to get her own suitcase (and stay her in PJs all day)!

Christmas Eve

I've successfully recovered from my bad cold, which lead to bronchiolitis and a short stay in the hospital, and made it back home to celebrate the holidays!  I've got a few more months than Eve in this picture, and definitely a lot more hair!  Smiles all around! We can hardly wait to see what Santa will bring us!

The Stare Down

After Conor actually caught a squirrel this past fall, he has been on a continued mission to get another one!

More Please

Yes, Eve, the spatula with cookie dough on it will of course fit in my mouth! And yes, I am wearing Santa Bear's sweater vest!

A Visit with Santa