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Showing posts from November, 2017

Noodles Anyone?

Yes John, I will eat the rest of your buttered noodles! And no, you may not have them back! These are too yummy!

Ready for School

Just a quick picture we sent to Mommy showing her that we were all ready for school while she was gone on quick work trip.

Turkey Day

Holidays mean family gatherings! And lots of love to spread around! After dinner, it was time for the cousins to take the dogs for a walk.  After being kept in separate rooms inside, Conor and Leia finally got to meet!  Trying to get family group photos after dessert might not have been the best idea! Laughing cousins! One thing is for sure, we all had fun today!

Grandma's Helpers

Twas the night before Thanksgiving and Ella and I had a sleepover at Grandma's house. We helped Grandma get ready to host the big dinner tomorrow! All that hard work helping in the kitchen, it was time for a movie and bed!

Hard at Work - in the Kitchen

I brought home a bread book from the library, so I went to work making dinner rolls. I did almost everything myself, including kneading the dough for 5 minutes!  They were delicious!

Hockey x2

Eve and I started skating lessons again. We practiced with our coaches and then Mommy came out for some hockey practice during free skate time.  Eve is starting to get a good shot! Then after dinner we got to go see a real hockey game and Cora was very excited to cheer on the Wolverines!

Builders Fair

Architect Eve was ready for fun at the Wines Science and Builders Fair! Daddy explained floor plans and elevations to me, so I drew up my plans (with several TV rooms and no hallways - you can just walk through rooms to get to the others).  And of course, built my house! Complete with in indoor hammock!