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Showing posts from May, 2017


In the backyard at home, I usually like to find the mulch to eat. At Grandma and Grandpa's house, they have a big bin full of rocks just for me to try! Good thing they are all too big! I was able to convince John to try them out too! Then we played a little game of hide-n-seek!

Bathtime Shenanigans

Bathtime is so much fun! Especially with my brother! Splashing, bubbles, water everywhere! BIG smiles! And funny beards for John!

Family Walk

My job on the family excursion was to walk Conor - which I did almost the whole time for a 3 mile loop!

Pool Time

I came once or twice last year to the pool but being days old, I didn't get in the water. Now I'm ready! Splish, splash! This place is going to be fun!

Family Time

I enjoyed exploring Ella's fairy garden with her while - John played in the sand box  tub. There was some pretty serious conversation at the kids' table during dinner. And some smiles while opening gifts, but really big smiles once the cake came out!

3/4 Y. (a.k.a. Nine Months)

With the big kids dropped off at Grandma & Papa Joe's for a sleepover - I had the house - and all the toys - to myself! Now it's time to really cause some mischief! (Please don't tell John that I played with his hotwheels non-stop!) I'm 9 months old now, and I'm still liking this tongue thing - and pulling up on anything! It was really hard for Mommy to get a photo of me sitting still and smiling! Life is just too much fun to be still! And sticking your tongue seems like more fun than smiling! She almost got it! Not so fast Mommy!

A Real Superhero

What would Captain America's favorite flavor be? Superman of course!

Mommy's Day

We found our friend Jessie out celebrating her first Mommy's day - and Eve and her were twins! A sunny picture post-dinner with our gathering of moms and kids! All the girls could look at the camera, I'm not sure what was bothering John this time.

Hopscotch 174

 A simple game of hopscotch - that went all the way to 174!

Budding Artist

My watercolor masterpiece!

A New Discovery

This eating business is good - lots of new tastes to discover. But do you know what the coolest discovery I've made this month is? My tongue! I can do lots of things with it!


Mr. Toohey made sure we were getting lined up properly. I managed to be the tallest girl in my class, so I ended up in the back row! You can still sing loud from the back! And get nice flowers from your brother!