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Showing posts from March, 2017

Green Triangle Table

Grandma came to my class today to be the volunteer helper at the green triangle table!

Bunny Brunch

Mommy took us to a local store that was having a Bunny Brunch. The big kids got to make some Bunny Bait (aka popcorn snack bags), decorative egg shaped cookies and color Easter drawings. I got to watch and get my picture taken!

Seven Months - and Trying to Move!

Just callin' to say that I'm 7 months old! I really have a hard time sitting in one spot. No fly away hair in these pictures! Still have my wet hair combover from my bath! I'm trying very hard to pull myself up! And I'm trying very hard to crawl! I can get into position - and rock forward - which means this is the last photo from today since Mommy had to put the camera down to catch me as I fell off the chair! Oops - I'll figure this out soon!

My Big Sis

Eve is a big helper - feeding me my first sweet potatoes! Yum!

Another McCutie!

Happy St Patrick's Day!

St Paddy's Preview

Today I wore my first lucky outfit.


Over the weekend, I drew two pictures and put them in envelopes for Thomas. I was excited to give them to him at school! First I showed him how a traced my hand and wrote his name. Then I had to wait for him to open the second envelope (I taped it pretty good so it took a minute). Then I showed him the rest of my drawings - I think I had some Star Wars pictures on it.

Like Father, Like Son

A tough Friday night.

Color Coordinated

Today I only wanted to play with or sit on things that matched my orange and blue outfit!