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Showing posts from February, 2017

Too Sunny

It was a bluebird day on our last morning which meant our family photos were full of squints. Except for Daddy, the only smart one to wear sunglasses!

My Run

There was a run named just for me! I conquered it as well as Amy's! Almost the final ride of the day. Cora was there too - enjoying the daycare room while we hit the slopes and joining us for apres ski time!

Boyne Fun

Mommy, John and I are ready for our first run of the day! We had good ski conditions - 6" of fresh snow over the two days we skied! The first of many hot chocolate breaks! Chairlift selfies! John and I raced down the hills - usually I won! It was a great day of skiing!

My Outfit

Literally, this outfit is all mine courtesy of my Aunt Sarah. How could I not get compliments in personalized pants and a monogram shirt?

Halfway to One

Yup, that's right I'm already 1/2 year old! Time sure flies when you're having fun! Want to hear my stats? I'm checking in at almost 17 pounds, which puts me just over 60th percentile. I'm about 27 inches long, so almost 80th percentile. And typical of my siblings, my head size is almost off the charts, 98th percentile!

Sun & Snow

Morning activity - ice skating! I switched classes to Saturday morning so I could have free skate time with Daddy and John too! Afternoon activity - playing at the park without jackets! My first solo time on the monkey bars!

Love is...

Birthday Expressions

Today was finally the day - my 4th birthday! Here's my birthday painting from Eve. Yup, I'm 4 now! WOW - super hero hot wheels! Cora seemed pretty excited too! In deep thought examining the other Lego books available that were shown on the back cover of my new book! Very excited for my new hot wheels track! Everyone was content to play with my new toy. Then I realized that Cora would probably pull apart my track! Who's ready for cake? I know I am!!! Super awesome cake! Making it official - finally turning 4 after blowing out my candles! YES!

Pre-Birthday Fun

Started another big Saturday with some time on the ice. This time, Daddy came prepared for the last 15 minutes of class when he could join me for free skate! My pre-birthday celebration started with a visit to Michigan Theater for Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood! Eve and Daddy were excited for the show! Perhaps not as excited as me though! Eve snapped a few photos of Daniel! Next up, all my grandparents came over for presents and dinner. There was a lot to examine on my new rocket ship! I was excited to get my own monster truck! Glad to have my own magna-tiles since they are one of my favorites toys at school! Super excited for my new Michigan hat!