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Showing posts from January, 2017


What is this yellow thing around my neck? What are you trying to put in my mouth? Oh! That IS kind of yummy! Daddy, let me help you with that. That was good, can we do it again?

Monster Jam

I started the morning out with my first ice skating lesson. Then for the big fun, Daddy and I went to Ford Field with Thomas and his daddy for - Monster Truck Jam! Awesome! While the boys played, the girls went out on the town for special treats!

Winter Sports

Starting a new winter sports class this week - ice staking! Very hesitant, but taking small steps!

Lots to Smile About at 5

Life at five months is pretty good! I started rolling over from my back to my tummy at the beginning of the month, so that's exciting! And I can sit up all by myself which is super exciting! I fall over sometimes, but that is still fun! I like to put everything in my mouth. If I can't find any toys around, then I'll just find my hand. It's been a great month for everyone! Trying to show you that I really can sit up all by myself!

Master Builder

I was busy building when Mommy came to pick me up at preschool. I made a big garage for all the cars. And closed it up for the evening.

Winter Walk

Sunny winter day, so we all got bundled up for a nice winter walk to the downtown toy store.

Another Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Grandpa's birthday with lots of mini cupcakes, well everyone else did, I just enjoyed the company!


Sneaking 'my' phone downstairs to get a picture of John and I!

A Big 4-0

Today was Daddy's special day! He turned 40 and joined in being silly with us. His special birthday dessert was pretty big, so he shared with everyone. Some of us did better than others in getting the dessert in our mouths.

A Few of My Favorite Things

My new purse! My new hat! And my new monogram pants! (All as photographed by myself)