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Showing posts from November, 2016

"Standing" Up for Fun

Closing out the month in a 'new' toy - I love it! It's new to me, but it's over 10 years old - cousin Nathan was the first one to use it!


No, it's not a ten yard penalty in our house. It is what John and Eve are constantly asking Mommy and Daddy - "Can I hold Cora?" Usually the answer is "Yes"!

The Game

Louis came over to watch the big game with us today. All smiles before and mostly during the game. What?! We lost? Ugh. We told Louis he wasn't supposed to wear grey or green on game day.

A Big Family Thanksgiving

Eve finally got to wear her fancy dress for the holiday and of course wanted to hold Louis again! All the McKinnon cousins playing together. We were both ready for another nap! The kids table for dinner had lots of excitement! We took lots of family pictures after dinner - first up the McKinnons. Next up was the McDonnells. Then everyone together! Wrapping it up with "grands" - parents and kids that is! Cousin Nathan played us a few jazzy tunes on his saxophone to close out the evening!


Meeting cousin Louis for the first time!

Three Months Already

Three months as flown by already! I can sit up (with support) very well! And my hair, well, I still have it and my poof just gets getting bigger! I love to smile and laugh (Eve can make me laugh the hardest)! And I've discovered that my hands can actually do things - like grab on to toys and clothes! Seriously, are you still focused on my hair? Fine, here's my tongue, stare at that for awhile instead!

Family Field Trip

I missed out on my preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch twice! First because of rain and second because I was on vacation. I kept talking about it so Mommy & Daddy took us on our own field trip! Family selfie on the wagon ride! No pumpkins to pick, but lots of fun on the wagon ride! And of course, donuts and cider! Cora enjoyed the trip just as much as me!

Cake - Step 3

Finally Grandma arrived for her birthday celebration and off we went to the football game! Walking down the railroad tracks singing songs along the way! Enjoying the sunshine in the stadium in early November! John managed to fall asleep again in the packed stadium. Thankfully there was still a seat for me on Grandma's lap! And finally after all that work making the cake, we got to sing Happy Birthday to Grandma and eat the yummy chocolate-ness!

Cake - Step 2

Decorate the cake! Again, we can help with that. And again, especially when it's chocolate! Everyone helped out! Grandma is going to love it!

Cake - Step 1

Make the cake. We can help with that especially when it's chocolate.