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Showing posts from July, 2016

My First (Literally) Lost Tooth

Mommy picked me up from camp and I told her my tooth was very loose, then I asked for my snack. I got a chewy granola bar that Mommy said to bite and chew with the side of my mouth. A few minutes later we realized that I didn't have my tooth anymore! So I wrote the Tooth Fairy a note - and she still came and brought me a dollar coin!

Outdoor Explorers

What to do in Midland? Explore the Dow Gardens of course! There were Dr Seuss sculptures hidden throughout the gardens, so we set out to find them all! First up, Mr. Grinch! Next, we found not a Dr Seuss sculpture, but  - as Eve pointed out - a family of five like we will be when the baby comes! Eve found some pretty purple flowers - both real and fake. Stopping at the Children's Garden area for a little bit of playtime! Green eggs and ham anyone? Exploring the Secret Garden. Lots of hidden spaces to find. Smiling - but also being mischievous (not pictured is me continuing the throw sticks and rocks while making Mom & Dad nervous that I'd fall in)! Not at the Dow Gardens anymore - but exploring the activities at the River Days in the park across the Tridge from our hotel. Having fun in barrel tractor ride! Lastly, enjoying our first pony rides!

Christmas in July

Who says that a 6 month infant Santa suit doesn't fit a 3-year old?

Zoo Friends

From the over 150 pictures I took on Mom's phone - I did manage to get a few good photos of the animals! John - a trooper on a little field trip only 3 days post-op - and Daddy riding the train together. We brought the stroller for John, but I managed to convince him to push me! The grizzly bear was actually moving around when we saw him! I've only seen bears sleeping before! John and I pretending to be prairie dogs. We had fun with the Thomas' - Clare, Lauren, Eve, John & John! We had been asking all day and we finally got to the carousel! I chose the ladybug to ride all by myself. John wanted the dinosaur and he got T-Rex!

My Camp Award

I finished up my first week of day camp at the YMCA's Camp Birkett today. I had so much fun riding a big yellow bus, swimming in the lake, playing gaga ball (Mom & Dad still don't get what it is), and meeting some new friends. My parents were not surprised by my award - as I do like to follow my teachers instructions!

Pre & Post Tonsils

Exploring a new playground, passing the time after dropping Eve off at camp and waiting for my tonsillectomy check-in time. Finally back at home late afternoon, doing OK while eating some chocolate pudding!

Holiday Festivities

Learning the beginning pointers of golf from Daddy. Eve did fairly well all on her own! It was a fun first time golfing for me! Later in the afternoon, Eve and I were good helpers bringing our picnic gear to the park for a big fireworks show in Manchester. Patiently waiting for the sunset. Getting messy with one of our new favorite treats - Cheetos! Everyone was decked out in red, white and blue! Finally it was dark and we were ready! One can never have too many glow sticks!