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Showing posts from June, 2016

Just Hangin'

After my 1 week check-up with the doctor and the good news that my arm was indeed not broken, I spent the evening just relaxing in the backyard!

Solo Bike Rider

Despite wearing a soft cast, I made it through my first solo bike ride. A big 3 mile loop around the river!

A Really BIG Touchscreen

After a fall from the monkey bars and not using my left arm for 2 days, I went to see the doctor to get some X-rays. While waiting for the results, I went to Mommy's work and got to test out her office's new toy. I would say that I was pretty adapt at using it without any instructions!

Lil' Rocky

Not sure why, but despite the summer temperatures outside, I was inspired to put on my sweatpants, socks and sweatshirt (tugged in of course) and exercise a bit!

A Busy 'No School' Day

I didn't have any school today as my teachers were transitioning my classroom from Y5s to Summer Camp. I started the day working next to Mommy - markers, paper and Cheez-Its! Lunched with both Mommy and Daddy at the fun outdoor spot, Dominick's. And finished the afternoon testing out the swimming pool at Daddy's new apartment complex!

Fun in the Sun

It was warm enough for us to head to the beach (but just to play at the water's edge)! Bury ourselves in the sand and go searching for Petoksey stones! A trip before most schools have ended, meant we had the beach to ourselves! We found a good place to nap! Getting my ride on in style! John chose to get his walk on. Lots of fun in the early summer sun!

Getting Summer Started

We made an early trip up north to Petoskey, which of course includes ice cream in the park! And climbing the canon!

A Sports Day

I finally warmed up to this whole soccer thing the last few weeks of the session - enough to break away from the group and score! Later in the day we headed to a Tigers game - and what sporting event is not complete without a big pretzel? It was smiles all around at the ballpark! We skipped out of the game a few innings early (it was starting to rain) - and experienced our first coney dogs (minus the coney part) at Lafayette Coney Island!