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Showing posts from February, 2016

Snow Day

No school today, so we spent some time at Grandma and Grandpa's and built our own snowman! Oh yea, the doctor told me yesterday at my annual appointment that I have strep throat - can't you tell?!

5 years later...

My first basketball game in 2011! I was supposed to go to Kindergarten Roundup tonight but it was cancelled due to snow. That didn't stop us from going to a basketball game instead! And I won a free pizza from the cheerleaders!

Lil' Rippers

Third time out and almost a pro! Practicing for the big hills out in Colorado!

Hockey Time

We went to the hockey game tonight. I was a little confused at first because it wasn't just me and Daddy with Evan and his daddy, but it was fun going with all four of us!

Sledding with Friends

My preschool class went to the nearby sledding hill today. I gave Thomas a ride there. Blue skies, blue jacket, blue gloves = perfect sledding conditions! It was fun sledding with my teachers and friends! And more fun drinking our special treat - hot chocolate!

Let's Try Skiing!

Now that I'm 3, I can start ski lessons!

I'm 3!

I insisted Mommy take my picture in the morning on my birthday as I put my shoes on to go to school. A little more excited after school when all my grandparents came over to celebrate with me! I opened my first present and made my best "Green Guy" face! I loved my big garbage truck Grandma and Papa Joe got me! Grandma and Grandpa got me a fire chief costume! Little did they know that this costume coordinated with -  - the big fire station that Mommy & Daddy got me! Finally after dinner at Knight's, it was back home for my homemade birthday cake! Yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Trying hard to get all 3 of my candles! Success!

Yum, Cake Batter

 It was a very important task we helped Mommy with tonight - making my birthday cake! Finally at the end, we got to lick the mixer! Sharing is good!