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Showing posts from January, 2016

Winter Playground

Of course we can still visit playgrounds in the winter! Sometimes you just have to get out of the house and play with the frogs!

Little Gymnast

My first gymnastics class - and already swinging from the bars!

A Day at the Museum

 Honk Honk! Ambulance coming through! Thomas, please make your move. What are you so excited for? The game is clearly not over yet. Concentrating very hard to build a house together.

Cloud Dancers

Boat Tour

Daddy's work friend Bill took us out on his fishing boat for a fun ride around the canals and even out into the ocean! I thought it was fun but not when Daddy wanted to take my picture with Mommy. Eve placed her own order at dinner. And was treated to ice cream after! My guys and I enjoyed Superman ice cream!

Me First Grandma!


Finally a full sun day! So we spent almost the whole day at the pool! I got new diving sticks and John got new super hero dive toys but probably our favorite activity was jumping to Grandma! So much swimming meant a big nap for John - but he couldn't let go of his new "guys"!

Alligators Galore!

Another cloudy day with a bit of rain on the island, so we headed inland to the Everglades Alligator Farm! This guy is my kind of crazy! After the show, there were baby alligators that we could hold. Daddy was brave enough to hold one while I just touched. Eve decided that she could touch it too. And Grandma was also brave enough to hold the little chopper too! Mommy just took pictures.

Clouds Can't Stop our Fun

 Our morning view on Daddy's birthday! It was a bit windy and cloudy today but that didn't stop us from being outside and playing in the sand. We found Aunt Diana's Road!  Close to nap time, so we decided to snuggle together. Needless to say, we actually didn't fall asleep like this since all we did was giggle!

Florida Bound

I thought it would be a good idea to make sure that they did everything right when getting our plane ready for take-off! We were some of the first people to board! Very excited for my first plane ride that I can actually remember! Eve was most interested in keeping her eyes out the window! From winter jackets and hats to get the airport in the morning to swimsuits and pool time by late afternoon!

M Fans

John felt like relaxing while watching the Michigan basketball game and eating a pretzel of course. Daddy and I were quick to eat our snacks and smile for the camera!

New Year

John here - - just wanted to wish you a very happy new year!