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Showing posts from October, 2015

3 Years in a Row

Yup, that's me. No it's not 2013 or 2014, it's Halloween 2015 and I'm wearing my dog costume again! No more purple crayon for me, I need to be a dog to go trick or treating!

Painting Pumpkins

This year we decorated our pumpkins a bit different than previous years - Painting was fun for everyone to enjoy! John was more about the volume of paint he could get on his pumpkins! A master at work! I was more focused on a single color - complete coverage.

King of Pumpkins

Once again, one of favorite fall activities - heading to the cider mill! I'm King of the Pumpkins! I can climb them! I can pick them up! Please can I push my sister off now? This is my pumpkin!

Picture Time

I managed to not have a band-aid on my face for picture day! My Water's Edge classroom friends and teachers! Eve was a little smirky this year! Eve and her big kid friends from Young 5's!


What's better than reading Halloween stories with Grandma? Reading with both Grandmas!

Bring a Friend

My friend Eliza asked me to join her for "bring a friend day" at her dance class! We had fun moving together!  And by ourselves!  It was lots of fun running around with scarves! And dancing in circles!

Creature Feature

Animals took over the Hands on Museum tonight - we watched kangaroos hop! And a warthog eat! My favorite was an albino alligator! There was even a cougar! We see you too Mr Cougar! Eve helped brush a pony!

Weekend Sleepover

John and I spent the weekend at Grandma and Papa Joe's and we stayed busy with lots of fall activities! We each picked out our own pumpkins to take home. Even Grandma picked out a pumpkin! Fun with pumpkins! Then we went on treasure hunt in the hay - John excelled at finding the eggs! In the afternoon, we all got our costumes on and we headed across the street to another park for more holiday themed adventures! Meanwhile, back at home, Mommy and Daddy enjoyed going to the Homecoming football game! And having fun with their friends visiting from California!