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Showing posts from August, 2015


My buddies met up with us at the Fire Truck Muster. We got to see lots of different kinds of fire trucks - and a few that we could climb on! Eve found a little one that she could actually drive!

Fair Fun

We had a fun evening at the Chelsea Fair. My buddy August showed us around the place. And took us to the merry-go-round! Big fun!

Picnic Fun

I would not let the giant inflatable playhouse at Mommy's company picnic defeat me! I climbed up the big ladder all by myself (well, I kind of had to since Mommy wouldn't come in with me)! My reward - a ride down a really big slide! Of course, Eve was right there with me! And gave me a helping hand when I needed it!

Post Biking (& Nap)

After our morning biking adventures, we spent the afternoon exploring the various gardens at Matthaei Botanical Gardens. Of course, we spent the most time at the preschool gardens. Having been there twice already with my school friends, I showed John (and Mommy & Daddy) around. We found the perfect spot just for kids under the grapevines! And another spot inside a tree trunk! After dinner, the day was complete with a stop at DQ for some ice cream cones!


The fresh coat of asphalt at the re-built tennis court up at the park is the perfect place to practice my biking skills. Swerving away! Getting lots of speed - with control - on my balance bike! On the other hand - it's a good thing John had his helmet on! He needs some more practice! Me - I might be ready to try a real pedal bike!

Hitting the Links

We started the morning by stopping by one of Daddy's work sites. I brought my own personal protection equipment - hard hat, vest and glasses - and so was able to "drive" the site's four-wheeler! Next stop - the golf course! No personal protection equipment needed - just good fashion sense! My first time on a real course! My "scores" were pretty good for a first timer! We only made it through 5 holes before I got too hungry, so we called it a day and got hot dogs and -  - stopped for ice cream on the way home!