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Showing posts from June, 2015

Silly Games

Our friends the Fowlers came to town and John and I had fun playing games with William and Charles. Even at dinner. Down low. Up high. Too slow!

More Big City Fun

It was a fun few days in the big city but we had to pack our bags up and head back home. But not without one more stop at the Science and Industry Museum. Daddy helped me out so I could see where I was going driving a big tractor. Eve drove an even bigger tractor! One more train picture before we left town!

Trains, Fish and More Slides

We started out Day 2 of our trip waiting for one of the trains we kept watching out our hotel window. We were very excited to take our first train ride! One of the first exhibits we saw at Shedd Aquarium was - J for John Jellyfish! Trying to find Nemo.  Waiting for the big sharks to swim by. Post aquarium walk along the shoreline - back to the awesome playground! I was ready to try solo sliding. Eve mastered the slides and practically run down them! But was happy to keep on sliding away! Lots of fun going down with Daddy too! After nap, we headed up to Aunt Sarah's home. After hanging out for a bit, we hopped into another first-time mode of transportation - a taxi - for a ride to dinner.

Road Trip

Blanket, check. Puppy, check. Spicy chip (aka Doritos), check. Headphones for new movie, check. Road trip - let's go! To Chicago! Mom/Dad - there's a train! Repeat every five minutes while we are in our hotel room! Big boy John walking the big city streets with Mommy. Having fun with our reflections in the 'bean'. Happy to play in the biggest playground ever - Maggie Daley Park! We climbed up a really big tower and - slid down the slide with Daddy! Teamwork to help John down the slide. Steady... steady... Yippee! Let's do it again!

Kids Table

All the cousins tried to sit at the kids table to eat our ice cream at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was crowded but we made it work!

Worn Out

For Father's Day, we went to the farm to pick strawberries. It was so much work, I passed out - in comfort - on the ride home!

Lil' Soccer Guy

While Eve was busy playing her last soccer game - I got in little practice with Daddy!


Tonight's treat took a lot of hands-on participation. John was the first to sample. After talking about s'mores all week, it was finally good to get to make one myself - and eat it all up! And the second one, and the third one... John decided to forgo the graham cracker portion and - just chill out with Mommy.

Post Game

My favorite part about soccer - the post game snacks and relaxing with my friend Eliza.

Peony Garden

I was ready to run through the peonies - I'm not really sure what Eve was ready for! Where's John? Here I am! This nice gentlemen stopped to talk to Mommy for a few minutes because he was very excited to hear Mommy calling my name - because it was his name too and he said that he doesn't see that many kids with such a great name like John! Eve ran into her school friend Ayana! Picture time with Mommy! And Daddy too! We didn't even plan to color coordinate so well!