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Showing posts from May, 2015


We celebrated Mommy's birthday one day early - I don't think that Mommy was even the most excited one to have cake! Good thing she had help blowing out the candles!

That's a Wrap

After a busy, busy weekend, someone was very tired and not feeling well and fell asleep outside with a bowl full of ice cream right in front of him! Me though - I ate all of my ice cream up and was still ready to play!

Pool Time!

Checking out the new pool and boats at the swim club! But not putting my head in the water due to my 3rd trip to the ER yesterday for another gash on my forehead. So I don't have any pictures to share from my cousin Nathan's birthday party yesterday as we had a premature departure! It was another fun filled day!

Go Tigers!

Spending Friday evening at Comerica Park - I was too busy watching the guys to be able to look at the camera! Mommy and Eve were both ready to smile for the camera! And finally, I was! Despite our awesome seats for the game (thanks Uncle Gavin!), I think we liked our seats on the Tigers even better! Yippee!


Tasting our first attempt at homemade popsicles - raspberry!

Soccer...Kind of...

Only the second week of soccer and we got our team picture already.  I've got my nervous smile on (open mouth, tongue almost out). My first week, I didn't want to join in the games but this week, I got into the groove a bit. Throw the ball at the coach? I can do that! Practicing my dribbling...bringing my own purple ball helped break my nervousness.

All About My Mom

For Mother's Day, we got dressed up and went out to brunch. Of course, Daddy came with us too. I also to spend the time with my Grandma...  ...and my other Grandma. Here is everything you need to know about my mom.

Music in the 'hood

One of our first stops was the Chenille Sisters - who played some music especially for kids. Mommy tried to get us to join in and brought us right up front. I was too shy to join the other kids but John got in the mix and watched. Watching more fun music with Daddy.