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Showing posts from February, 2015

Professional Drawing

Happy hour at Mommy's work. John and I got busy helping with sketching in the conference room.

Mommy & Daddy's Ski Trip

Their view while waiting for their suitcase in Jackson Hole. Mommy at the top of the hill. Mommy & Daddy enjoying the beautiful sunshine and snow! Daddy on the steep slopes! Post skiing fun! Leaving on the plane -blurry because they were instructed not to take photos on the tarmac.


I wanted to get into the skiing mode too - so while Mommy & Daddy were getting ready for their upcoming ski trip - I found a pair of goggles for myself! I was pretty proud of myself! And I didn't want to take them off. You never know when the Michigan weather can turn, so you should always be prepared.

Valentine's Day Skiing

Imagine how excited I was to get purple ski boots and skis that had purple all over them! My ski lesson was starting out well! Listening to the important things our teacher was saying. After spending some time on the little bunny hill, we got a snack and hot chocolate and headed out to the bigger bunny hill! That's me in the middle of the picture between the ski pole and the guy in the blue ski suit. Once I made it to the bottom, I found my way back to the magic carpet to go back up for more!

Fun with All My Grandparents

While everyone was talking, I found a present and just opened it. I found 5 different kinds of trucks that I raced with Eve and Grandma! My trucks were the fastest! Then I got to open the rest of my presents - while everyone was watching. I got an upgrade from my little Winter Friends book to the full length Stranger in the Woods!    Eve gave me a little help on this bigger present. But once it was unwrapped, I carried it somewhere else to open the box and play with by myself! Being silly with my chocolate cupcake! But not as messy as with my birthday sundae! Eve really enjoyed her cupcake too!

The Big 2

After a fun day at school, I went to only my second swim class. I managed to sit on my swim turtle all by myself (and not cry too much)! Then we headed to Knight's for my birthday dinner! I was super excited for my birthday sundae! I waited patiently while everyone sang to me - then blow out the candle right on time! It was a pretty big sundae, so I let Eve help me dig into it. But once it got close to the end, I kept the plate all to myself. It was pretty messy - but delicious!

Snow Day!

As the weathermen kept saying, we really did get 14" of snow - which meant we had a snow day today and stayed home with Mom. We spent most of the day indoors but got to venture outside after nap when the snow had stopped and it was nice and sunny. There certainly was lots and lots of snow to play in!

Reading Together

After being completely crazy most of the day since we were stuck inside because of a really big snowstorm, I sat down with John and started reading him books. He had to sit on my lap of course. I read him several of his favorite books - about trucks and animals!