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Showing posts from November, 2014

Family Brunch

We ended the long holiday weekend with brunch at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Fun times with grandkids and grandparents! All of the McDonnell Clan was there! All the cousins went on a walk through the woods. I took a short rest on the bench, but I walked the whole way. Sometimes it was a run through the woods - with two fairies leading the way! Nathan and I brought up the rear. Hooray for cousin time!

Turkey Day

I was a big help to Grandma with making the pumpkin pies.  Eve helped stir the mix.  I also got to stir - with a little help. Then it was time to play. But, where did Eve go?  Oh, there she is! I have to put the top back on! It was a wonderful family holiday!

Thanksgiving Art

I made name tags so everyone could have a place at the table. Starting at top row, there was Gavin, Diana, Eve - those are pretty obvious. The middle row starts with Donna, Dad (by now you might have noticed that I fill in my D's and other similar letters) and a P for Papa Joe. The last row has a G for Grandma, then John and Mom. Thanksgiving morning, Diana helped me make hand turkeys!

My Turn for a 1st Haircut

I started the day by going grocery shopping with Mommy to prepare for Thanksgiving. I found a chocolate turkey that would be perfect for the holiday. After swim class, Mommy dropped me off at school. She found John with his buddies Thomas and August - the Three Musketeers - doing silly things of course. Finally, after school, it was time for my first hair cut! Well, really it was just a trim to even out the back of my hair, but it was my official first haircut - at almost 4 years old! And I wanted my hair back in a pony tail afterwards!

Mash, Mix and Bake

Step 1: Mash bananas Step 2: Mix in sugar and other stuff Step 3: Grease pan Step 4: Pour mix in pan Step 5: (Not pictured) Devour fresh banana bread!

3 Little Ladies

Mommy was able to capture a picture of me with my good friends JiYou and Katherine - days before JiYou left to go on 3 planes to move to Portugal. I will miss seeing her in class!

Grandma's Birthday

Celebrating Grandma's birthday with a new purple iPad cover - that Eve picked out of course. It was a fun birthday celebration! Grandma got a special birthday sundae. She needed some help to finish it off. Good thing she had Eve and I there!

Still Cheering

Even in the colder weather, we still have fun at the Big House!