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Showing posts from September, 2014

Busy, Busy Saturday

We started the day by going to my first soccer class! It was a beautiful morning! Gathering with my friends and coaches. I was a bit nervous about having male coaches that had foreign accents. But I ended the class with all smiles with my school friend David! Next we headed to one of Daddy's construction sites, and I got to ride in one of the big trucks! You can't see me but I'm in the cab of the big earth mover!  Safe with Daddy! John got to go for a ride too! We love Daddy's big trucks! After naps, we continued our busy day by spending a sunny afternoon at Michigan Stadium, sharing a pretzel and cheering on our Wolverines!

Go Tigers!

Watching my Tiger - Victor Martinez - in person! Enjoying riding a tiger! John really enjoyed the ride! Mommy tried to get a picture of both of us but -  - her phone camera would only focus on one of us!  ROAR! And ROAR!

It's cool to wear shades!

We got a middle of the week treat when Papa Joe and Grandma come over and we out to eat at Casey's. We were all smiles!  And very silly! Yup, it's cool to wear shades - even inside.


Besides getting a pretzel, I think my favorite part of going to the football game is the halftime show! Hmmm....maybe the band should stay on the field for the rest of the game!


Mommy tried to read me stories before nap today, but I didn't want to read. I just climbed off the chair and found a good place to take a rest. Eve on the other hand, did not want to go to sleep after reading stories. She turned on her light and played with her toys. Eventually she found a way to go the sleep.

Something is Fishy...

We stopped at a new park in our neighborhood. It's very small with just some flowers and... ...some big fish! The fish were just the right size for us to climb and sit on!

Second Time's a Charm

This time visiting the petting farm, I was ready to feed the animals. I had no problem letting the sheep eat out of my hands! John and I had bales of fun!